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The 2nd Vitabiotics International Conference

Prevention of Spine Bifida and Neural tube defects and the Biomedical aspects of Iron metabolism.

Our Speakers:

Vitabiotics Director Rohit Sheltkar and Doctor Sebastien Farnaud

Conference Includes:

  • The latest Scientific position on Pregnancy, Baby and Menopausal support

  • Lectures on fertility, Pregnancy and prevention of Spina Bifida by Vitabiotics Director Rohit Shelatkar 

  • Exciting Research and lectures from Dr Sebastien Farnaud 

  • CME Points

  • Tea and Coffee break, samples and excellent networking opportunities

Conference Dates:

Lagos: 16th May 2023 9am - 11.30am 

Abuja: 17th May 2023 11am – 1.30pm

Our Speakers


Rohit Sheltkar

Vitabiotics Director

Vice-President and Director of Vitabiotics Ltd. Rohit Shelatkar, is an accomplished modern thinker and a leading key note speaker at several medical symposia.

In his 18-year spell at Vitabitotics Ltd Rohit has accomplished astonishing achievements. He was elected as a member of the Board in his 5th year and has been the global Vice President since 2014. Vitabiotics Ltd, is UK’s No. 1 and fastest growing company and has manufactured innovative healthcare supplements, including significant advancements in men’s, women’s, and children’s health.


The company has been awarded the Queen’s Award for Innovation in Vitamin Research, which was personally received by Rohit from Her Majesty, the Queen on behalf of Vitabiotics Ltd.

Rohit has been involved in over 100 new product developments and has played an essential part in the development of the business and Vitabiotics products in over 100 countries. Furthermore, Rohit has been invited to deliver lectures to medical consultants and post-graduate students in several medical symposia organized by leading medical organisations.

In 2013, Rohit founded The Grand Maratha Foundation, a charity which focuses on aiding farmers, widows of the farmers and their children from the lower strata of society in Maharashtra. The foundation regularly carries out activities to support debt ridden farmers, their widows and their children, to lead respectable lives.

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Dr Sebastien Farnaud

Professor of Enterprise and Innovation in Healthcare Technology

Sebastien is Professor of Enterprise and Innovation in Healthcare Technology, in the Institute of Health and Well-being, where he provides strategic direction, leadership and management of Enterprise and Innovation to develop the academic portfolio within both Centres, CSELS and CIH, and before that held the position of Associate Professor in Biomedical Sciences at Coventry.

Over the last 20 years, Sebastian’s extensive research experience has included Imperial College London and the University of Westminster. His expertise and special interests include the biomedical aspects of iron metabolism. 

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